MSO Articles
Build a Strong Compliant Medical Spa. Embrace an MSO.
Case study of a pain management doctor starting a new medical spa. Why a managed service organization is a smart consideration is the focus of the discussion.
When Using a Management Services Organizations (MSO) Is the Right Choice for Your Medical Practice
Managed Services Organizations help physicians focus on practicing medicine by freeing doctors from many administrative tasks. Failure to consult with an MSO healthcare lawyer can cause civil and […]
Digital Health Legal Roadblocks: Is the MSO Structure the Answer to Kickback and Corporate Practice of Medicine Concerns?
Is the MSO Structure the Answer to Kickback and Corporate Practice of Medicine Concerns in Digital Health and Telemedicine?
How to Handle Stark and Anti-Kickback Legal Barriers When Physicians Invest in an MSO
This is a story about how Harry, a healthcare entrepreneur, worked through a proposed arrangement that was raising Stark and Anti-Kickback issues.
Dental Telemedicine MSO—Is it Legal? “We’re Just a Technology Platform”
As telemedicine has exploded into many forms – tele-dermatology, tele-gerontology, tele-counseling, tele-psychiatry, and other areas of medicine and healthcare – we’re also seeing […]
Rock Your Practice with an MSO—MSO Compliance vs. using Independent Contractor Practitioners
Growing Pains in Your Healthcare Practice or Healthcare Venture? We’ve had many clinical practices and healthcare ventures come to us asking how to mitigate risk of anti-kickback and […]
Kickbacks, Fee-Splitting, Corporate Practice of Medicine, Stark, MSOs: Guiding Healthcare Ventures through the Maze
Fundamentally, you’re worried about legal rules prohibiting kickbacks, fee-splitting, corporate practice of medicine, as well as Stark law; you don’t know whether the MSO or management structure […]
Corporate Practice of Medicine on Steroids: How Your MSO and Professional Medical Corporation Could Work Together Without Courting Legal Disaster
You, MSO is my own variation on I Claudius. Poor Uncle Claudius, everyone said. Ended up becoming Emperor of Rome. Through craft and careful strategy. So you have an MSO and want to operate […]
Are medical tourism legal questions variations on MSO-Physician arrangements?
Are medical tourism legal questions variations on MSO-Physician arrangements?
Corporate practice challenges medical management (MSO) organizations in New York AG action
Corporate practice challenges medical management (MSO) organizations, especially in New York AG, as shown by recent enforcement action.